I have found an easier way to post my Walking Challenge Updates. Go me, If you haven't checked out this website then you really should. BIM Active is incredible.
Route: | -- | Elev. Avg: | 251 ft |
Location: | Pacific Grove, CA, | Elev. Gain: | -3 ft |
Date: | 08/13/10 | Up/Downhill: | [+439/-442] |
Time: | 11:00 AM | Difficulty: | 2.3 / 5.0 |
Weather: | Cloudy |
| 59 F temp; 73% humidity |
| 59 F heat index; winds W 4 mph |
Distance: | 3.01 miles | | |
Time: | 1:01:02 |
Speed: | 2.9 mph | | |
Pace: | 20' 41 /mi | | |
Calories: | 397 | | |
Elevation (ft)

Speed (mph)
Mile | Pace (min/mile) | Speed (mph) | Elevation
Gain |
actual | +/- avg | actual | +/- avg |
1 | 19' 36 | -1' 05 | 3.1 | +0.2 | -272 ft |
2 | 22' 59 | +2' 17 | 2.6 | -0.3 | +62 ft |
3 | 22' 48 | +2' 06 | 2.6 | -0.3 | +210 ft |
end | 16' 40 | -4' 01 | 3.6 | +0.7 | 0 ft |
Versus average of 2.9 mph |
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