Thursday, August 19, 2010

Day 18: A little lonely tickling

I don't know what it is about this week but I can't not get my feet on the ground. I have been on my butt all week and yesterday I just snapped. I guess the built up since the truck breaking down Sunday afternoon just got to be too much. Oh if you don't know our truck (Black Beauty) decided it wanted to break down. At the time I didn't know what was wrong, all I knew (all Christopher would tell me) was that something fell off and it had something to do with the four wheel drive. The truck was towed to The Dodge Dealership in Gilory because thats as far as it could be towed for free. On top of that I was sick all day Sunday which did not help me deal with everything else.

On Monday Christopher got a call from the Dealership and the said it would cost $280 just to figure out what was wrong and then on Tuesday they called again saying it was the rear differential (Sp?) and it would cost $3600, that is money we don't have right now. What was I suppose to do? I stressed out. Not having the truck has put a strain on us. Thankfully we have our wonderful neighbors and their car. Hill and Christopher take the car in the morning and once again I am left stranded at the house to sit an ponder on everything going on. That is not a good think for a girl like me, I don't handle stress very well and when I am left alone with it, it just builds and builds till I explode.

(Thankfully Christopher found someone who can fix the truck for cheaper, and hopefully something will be done this weekend or early next week)

I have noticed old habits creeping back because of it too. Almost every day this week (minus today) I have slept till at least 10am and I have use excuse after excuse not to go walk. I just sat on the couch watching Grey's Anatomy DVDs. I thought that I was in the clear because I recognized the signs already and forced myself up and walked. I am impressed with my time too, I can feel the improvements in my body and I am on the right track with my Tri fit Challenge as well. I never thought I would ever be able to do a push up let alone five.

But then I get home and my apartment is cover in ants... I hate ants and we didn't have them until after I spent two months in Georgia. And I know that at this moment many of my other Marine wifes are all together socializing. I am not mad, just upset that I don't have the ability to even get there (Stupid truck) I am feeling more lonely by the second and I am getting the creeps that makes me feel like I cover in ANTS!!!! I need more social gatherings in my life, I need a job, I need something to keep me busy. Help! Does anyone have any advice? Does anyone else ever feel that way? Someone please help me out. Thanks. This week sucks! So glad its almost over. I like this picture though....


  1. Know that first of all I love you. Second you NEED a job. There are MANY reasons why, but I'm not sure you're completely ready. You MUST let go of your comfort zone. Do something you've NEVER done before, who knows you might like it. You're young it doesn't matter if you have experience, give it a try...if you don't like it, fine, at least you tried. Go work in a grocery store, retail, restaurant (that was my personal favorite). That will give you the outlet you need...busy your time, give you some $$, give you the social outing, give you something that is just YOURS and no one elses...lots of things. Who knows you may even find your new "career" out of it...if nothing else it will give you some experience in something non water related and allow you to get out of the house. And yes we all feel that way from time to time. I'm proud of you for recognizing go do something about it. I love you!!!

  2. Thanks for the great advice and I have already started looking into jobs outside my comfort zone. Looking forward to hearing back from the bank.
