Friday, June 24, 2011

Day 92-100

I am going to go ahead and finish the challenge since I will be too busy with moving to
this weekend and I don't know when I will have internet back.

Day 92 - A picture of your school

( I don't have a school)

Day 93 - A picture of your favorite board game

Day 94 - A picture of you and your friends eating
My Niece eating

Day 95 - A picture of you on a plane

Day 96 - A picture of your favorite movie

Day 97 - A picture of something you no longer have
Me in my old car, I miss being able to drive anytime to anywhere
Day 98 - A picture of you and your friends out somewhere

Day 99 - A picture that was first on your Facebook.

Day 100 - A picture of you smiling 

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Day 88-91

Day 88 - A picture of your dream car

Day 89 - A picture of you at a hotel

Leaving the hotel after our wedding night

Day 90 - A picture of you wearing your favorite color


Day 91 - A picture of you and your friends playing a game

Christopher playing Just Dance!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Day 87

Day 87 - A picture of someone you grew up with

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Day 86

Day 86 - A picture of someone who helps you with school

Day 85

Day 85 - A picture of your favorite holiday

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Yeah okay I am just going to say I suck at keeping up with these challenges but I am going to try my best even though I am not going to be able to with the next coming weeks but more on that another time.

Day 71 - A picture of you with people you work with
Lilly and Hearken
Day 72 - A picture an unbelievable scenery
Day 73 - A picture of you somewhere warm
Summer 2010 with my niece and nephew
Day 74 - A picture taken professionally
(I take all my own pictures right now)
Day 75 - A picture of you receiving a reward
(No Picture)
Day 76 - A picture of you drinking something
Day 77 - A picture of you and friends making silly faces
Day 78 - A picture of you in the dark
Day 79 - A picture of you in the water
Day 80 - A picture of you and someone you love being silly
Day 81 - A picture of you with a character
(No Picture)
Day 82 - A picture of someone you love asleep
Day 83 - A picture of you and a teammate
(No Picture)
Day 84 - A picture of a school project
(No Picture)

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Getting All Caught up Days 64-70

I know I am a little behind but the world is finally getting in motion. Plus there was a Holiday weekend. I hope everyone had a good one, I know I did. We did a spontaneous trip to The Mystery Spot in Santa Cruz, California. If you have never heard of it you really need to Google it!

Day 64 - A picture of you at work
I know this is not of my or of my current job but It is of some of my former coworkers at our Annual In-service training
Day 65 - A picture of you at a park

Amicalola Falls State Park - October 2009

Day 66 - A picture of you in the air
Once again a picture not of me but I am taking the picture up in an airplane on my way to or from Georgia

Day 67 - A picture of you doing something childish

We are playing Hide n Seek in a car
Day 68 - A picture of you outside

YAY Paint Ball
Day 69 - A picture of a crazy night out
USMC Birthday Ball 2010
Day 70 - A picture of someone you don't go a day without talking to
Just Kristen cause she is my best friend and Marine Spouse Soul Mate!