Thursday, October 21, 2010

Band Aids Don't Fix Everything

Why can't my heart ever be whole?

My Husband informed me today that there is no way we can afford to go home for Christmas. I think I may have died a little inside after hearing that. WE are not a couple who likes to ask for help and I know that I do not look forward to asking. He did say that he could send me home (alone) to see the Families but I don't think that will feel the same. I just want the ability to have everyone I love in one location.

I want to spend the holidays with Christopher because one day I know he will be on a deployment and I will have limited communications. I am trying to take advantage of this special gift. But a part of me really wants to see our families too. I am missing my Niece and nephews growing up, I am missing my mommy and daddy and my sister. Even as I sit here typing I break into tears thinking about how much I miss my family.

I also miss the love I feel when I am with my In laws. They are just as amazing as my own family. I feel just a welcome with them and I know that they love me. My sister in law is more of a blood sister to me now than ever before. She is amazing, her spirit keeps me strong knowing that She is a part of my life.

I wish there was a way that my heart could be whole again. Will it ever be whole again? I know that it continues to grow stronger but I never feel whole. Part of me is always missing. If I am with the Family, I will usually always be without my husband and if I am with my Husband I know that I am without our family. My heart is divided, between Georgia and California, and I don't have a strong enough band aid to keep it together. I am a person who loves to be in personal contact with the people I love and it just gets so hard to keep in touch when on separate by an entire country.

Well I guess that is it for now, I hope I cheer up soon. My emotions are all over my face and Christopher is picking up on to the pain I am feeling. Till Next time...
Trent, Ansley, William, and myself

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