I wear no uniform, no deserts, no greens but I am in the US Marines, for in the ranks rarely seen. I have no rank upon my shoulders. Salutes I do not give. I'm not the one who fires the weapon, who puts my life on the line. My husband makes the sacrifice, but so do I. I stand among the silent ranks known as the USMC wife. I pack, I move, I follow. Why? What for? How come? You may think I have lost my mind. But actually, I've lost her heart. It was stolen from my by a Marine. A man who puts duty first, who longs to deploy, who salutes the flag & whose boots in the doorway remind me that as long as he is my Marine Husband, I will remain his USMC Wife and I love my life. Ooh Rah.
Give me the greatness of the heart to see, the difference between duty and his love for me.
Give me understanding so that I may know, when duty calls he must go.
Give me a task to do each day, to fill the time while he is away.
When he is in a foreign land, keep him safe in ur loving hands.
When duty is in the field, please protect him and be his shield.
When Deployment is long, please stay with me n keep me strong.
Proud wife, always.
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