Yesterday a part of my world was rocked. Late yesterday morning I received a phone call from my Dad, from the sound of his voice I knew something was wrong. As he spoke, I could hear the pain in his voice as he struggled to tell me that my Aunt Sharon (His sister) had passed away early that morning. Needless to say I was in shock, we all knew she was sick and had been for a while but I was not expecting to hear this news so soon.
My Aunt Sharon was born July 18, 1953. I hate that I lost contact with her for so many years and when we finally regained contact she was already sick. I know she had Alpha-1 related COPD/emphysema which slowed her down physically, as I remember she was bed ridden and lived her life through the world of Facebook. She called herself "the queen of simplicity; Master of the Mundane; or Champion of the Ordinary," but that was wrong Aunt Sharon was more than ordinary, she had a spirit that could brighten any room to me. Sick as she was she looked to the bright side and found a way to live. Given I know she got in some trouble with online shopping from time to time but I don't know how many smiles I have gotten from the Ecards she has sent me. She has touched so many lives.
I know she was loved by many and loved even more. I will miss her so much and I know that she is with me always. This is short and sweet, I love you Aunt Sharon. Heaven is celebrating having a new angel.
Aunt Sharon with Nick-the-Cat |
Thank you Melissa. Sharon loved you and Melanie very much. We will all miss her very much. She was as fine an older sister as I could have wished for. Always showing the concern of a loving sister and loving aunt. -Dad
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry for your loss Melissa! I send prayers your way.