Some times hings are said, some feelings can be hurt hurt, and some people can be torn apart. I am not writing this post to comment on any particular incident or give my personal opinion. But I am bothered by what I hear and see women doing to each other. (I do include myself) I wanted to do something big, but I didn't know where to start. So I started at the beginning, The definition of what I believe support is...
Support is the ability to endure bravely or quietly, to keep from losing courage (to comfort), and to keep (something) going.
I cannot always be strong woman, its just not possible to be perfect. And I do not strive to be more than who I am. I like to be messy and imperfect and a good cry is always healthy. I know that I have the ability to be extremely passionate, what wife doesn't. (I believe that Marine wives have just as much, if not more pride for our military lives than our husbands sometimes.) Deployments, trainings, and everyday frustrations of the Marine Corps will have me at my wits end with my emotions soon enough. And I have always been someone who wears my emotions on my sleeve but never knows how to express them which causes me to become bitter and angry.
I cannot always be strong woman, its just not possible to be perfect. And I do not strive to be more than who I am. I like to be messy and imperfect and a good cry is always healthy. I know that I have the ability to be extremely passionate, what wife doesn't. (I believe that Marine wives have just as much, if not more pride for our military lives than our husbands sometimes.) Deployments, trainings, and everyday frustrations of the Marine Corps will have me at my wits end with my emotions soon enough. And I have always been someone who wears my emotions on my sleeve but never knows how to express them which causes me to become bitter and angry.
My original hope for this blog was that it would help me form a better understanding of my emotions and help guide newer wives through the tougher times. I am hoping that in my moments of emotional weakness that I will have other strong USMC women surrounding me, to life me up, and to support me when I fall.
I have never been more PROUD to be the wife of a Marine. I have never fit in so well with such a loving supportive... sisterhood. Our men have their brothers and I have my sisters. As Marine Wives our Lives are quickly thrust together and we are forced to create everlasting bonds. We have a formed an informal Sisterhood that is special and dear to only the Few and the Proud. USMC wives need each other for support, and share the love/hate relationship that is the Marines.
I have never been more PROUD to be the wife of a Marine. I have never fit in so well with such a loving supportive... sisterhood. Our men have their brothers and I have my sisters. As Marine Wives our Lives are quickly thrust together and we are forced to create everlasting bonds. We have a formed an informal Sisterhood that is special and dear to only the Few and the Proud. USMC wives need each other for support, and share the love/hate relationship that is the Marines.
Sometimes there will be a difference of opinions, and when when it happens, I hope we will be able to remember that we all go through similar hard times (even if not at the same time), we all need to vent, and eventually someone will say something that could be taken wrong out of context or mistyped. And that is okay... all sisters fight, but the downer is that women do not find it to easy “Forgive and Forget,” or at least I do not.
I'm not only "Semper Fidelis" to my husband, but to all of you. That is why I want to start a Tree of Support. Each wife, girlfriend, or fiance I meet becomes a branch of my tree. I hope that as time goes on my tree will grow. I know that all things need a little TLC (tender, loving care) to grow and that is why I promise that every woman that I add to my tree will get my support whenever needed. I promise to hold you up when it gets a little to hard to handle alone. And I promise to answer when you call and will listen as long as you need me. I may not always understand but I can try.
I hope that my Tree continues to branch out and my wonderful sisters begin to create their own trees. I could never begin to name the women who have already touched my life. And to think it all started back at Boot Camp when we needed more support from each other than ever before. I thrived on the message boards and made countless friends that I will keep forever. But is does not end there. Now that I am living with my husband I have taken to married Military life like a duck to water but it was made easier by the incredible women in my area. (Ya'll know you are)
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